
Martha McSally

Unlock Combat-Proven Strategies for Navigating Business, Technology, and Global Disruptions

Notice your team acting more overwhelmed, anxious, and caught in the turbulence of the accelerating pace of change and uncertainty?


Navigating the dynamic landscapes of business, technology, and global disruptions can feel like warfare. Imagine unlocking combat-proven strategies for success.


Meet Martha McSally….


As the 1st American woman to command a fighter squadron in combat, she’s a renowned trailblazer and values-driven leader who understands adversity, resilience, and the keys to soaring above challenges. 

Keynote Speech Topics



“Soar like a Top-Gun Pilot: Leadership Lessons”

Does your audience need inspiration, motivation and actionable takeaways to push through adversity, overcome fear, and kick productivity into afterburner? Colonel McSally has proven she has the right stuff to survive and excel in high-pressure, high-risk, high-stake environments. 

Dealing with challenges of uncertainty, setbacks, and needing a dose of motivation and tools for your team to push through challenges and obstacles with innovation? Martha is no stranger to adversity, and developed practical techniques to persevere, excel and lead men and women in combat, earning the Bronze Star.

This pioneering Top-Gun pilot is also an endurance athlete, mountain climber, and sexual assault survivor who tragically lost her father at 12. In her extraordinary life filled with triumphs, tragedies, successes and setbacks, McSally authentically inspires and more importantly shows your team how to be vulnerable, persevere, overcome fear, be resilient, and soar to your full potential.

Colonel McSally will have you on the edge of your seat feeling like you are in the cockpit of the A-10 “Warthog” attack plane on a complex combat mission where lives are at stake. She has the uncanny ability to emotionally connect with any audience. Through humor, transparency, and compelling storytelling, McSally’s authentic approach connects attendees with your own fears and trials and provides a realistic and optimistic flight plan to elevate all areas of life and work.

In this awe-inspiring program, Colonel McSally equips your team with step-by-step guidance to overcome fear, be empowered by negative life experiences, thrive in adversity, create the results you want, and soar to new levels in all aspects of life.

Elevate Performance

How to overcome adversity and adapt to reach the next level

In a highly competitive world, you need to learn how to overcome adversity to win.  Greatness comes from learning that nothing can stop you and when you can move through anything in your path, then success is inevitable. The confidence that comes from those wins allows you to reach levels of success you never dreamed possible, and it is leadership’s role to teach and push their teams to feel this way.

Navigating the dynamic landscapes of business, technology, and global disruptions can feel like warfare. Imagine unlocking combat-proven strategies to boldly and systematically take risks head-on and dog-fight with agility to win. 

Colonel McSally was awarded the Bronze Star for her combat leadership, so she knows a thing or two about leading under fire, literally. As the first women in U.S. history to command a fighter squadron in combat, she oversaw $500M in assets and $40M in annual resources and was responsible to deploy her unit of 24 A-10s and hundreds of personnel worldwide with just 24-hours’ notice. She led her squadron in Afghanistan, providing 24/7 air support for American troops on the ground. Under McSally’s command, the 354th Fighter Squadron earned the Air Force Association’s David C. Shilling Award for the best contribution to national defense. 

Fighter pilots learn how to master tackling risks in uncertain (and dangerous) environments to achieve success.  In the gripping keynote, Colonel McSally translates battle-tested peak performance and risk-management methodologies to equip your teams to innovate, collaborate, and execute with confidence. 

Teams must also adopt an agility mindset and tools to succeed in an ever-changing complex world. When you are light on your feet, leaning forward and ready to adapt, challenges turn into opportunities to 10x your growth. Martha shares her step-by-step approach to developing a true agility mindset in your team to beat out the competition and win. 

McSally was also deployed to Saudi Arabia on 9/11 and became a key leader in planning and executing initial air operations in Afghanistan. As a Colonel, she was hand-picked as initial cadre to stand up U.S. Africa Command from scratch, building a complex organization with limited time and resources. She then led oversight of all African continent operations, including counterterrorism and disaster relief. This experience built on her expertise in strategic planning, process creation/improvement, knowledge management, logistics, and operations.

If you are looking for a speaker who can inspire and practically equip your team for peak performance in a turbulent world, book Colonel McSally now.


“I AM…how to soar as your best self”

In this powerful and deeply moving keynote speech, Martha leads the audience through a transformative personal journey to discover who they really are so they can operate with authenticity, connection, and freedom in their lives and work.  This speech will have your teams ready to take off and take on the world.

“Who are you?” How you answer that question is the core of your identity and deeply impacts your decision making, priorities, and satisfaction in all aspects of life. This applies to individual and teams. 

Individually, we often answer the question based on our job titles, degrees, or what roles we are in (mother, father, veteran). Those are important but they are not the essence of who we really are.  When stripped of those roles, we can then feel unsure of ourselves. If we are honest, we often define our identities but something difficult we went through in the past (I AM a victim, survivor, a divorcee, etc), but that also isn’t who we are. Sometimes we then attach our identities to our emotions (I AM anxious, I am depressed….) But those are emotions we feel, not who we are. 


Martha has personally been on a growth and healing journey of initially attaching her identity to external roles and titles, past traumatic experiences, and feelings. She made decisions and took courageous steps to shed those false identities and connect with the essence of who she really is.   Martha coaches people through a step-by-step process to be free to thrive in life and work authentically. In this keynote, Martha leads by example in powerful storytelling, life-changing wisdom, and audience engagement with worksheets and participation so they too can reconnect with who they really are. This clarity enables them to show up and contribute in their true “Zone of Genius” at work and make decisions that are aligned with their true essence. 

Hear From Teams Elevated By Martha's Compelling Keynotes


“Energy & strength radiates from her – she inspires & lifts you up.”

Alex Yastrebenetsky

Founder of Infotrust

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“She brings a level of engagement that you just don’t get with most motivational speakers.”

John Ratliff

Scaling Up

“She was completely compelling and inspiring, and that lasted for a long time after she spoke. I can’t imagine an audience that Martha would not serve perfectly and inspire to do better.”

MacKenzie Richter


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“By the time we finished Martha’s presentation, it was evident what type of skills and psychology are needed to succeed. Martha was able to demonstrate how to succeed despite any circumstances or what life might throw at you. She painted a picture of what success looks like and how all of us can continue building character to get there. This wasn’t just a presentation but who she is.”

Alex Yastrebenetsky




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“It was really important for me to find a keynote speaker who was engaging and who was a spark that would light the passion and energy of our audience. It was also really important that they had experience to back up what they were saying”

Jenny Baker


Ready to Elevate Your Team’s Performance?


Book Martha


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