

"You 3.0" Retreat

Connect with Nature. Discover Your True Essence. Become “You 3.0” in 4 Days.

With America’s 1st Female Fighter Squadron Commander– Colonel (ret) Martha McSally
Imagine living the life you desire and deserve with courage, purpose, clarity and freedom. 
Picture yourself living out that dream you gave up on long ago. 
Envision you living life as your authentic self with deep satisfaction in vocation, relationships, health, and the impact you have on others. 
How does that feel? 
You can live that life and more….
If you are growth-minded and love the outdoors, I’m inviting you to apply to join me for this exclusive, one-of-a-kind FREE “You 3.0” Adventure Retreat. 
Are you ready to soar?

"You 3.0" Retreat

Connect with Nature. Discover Your True Essence. Become “You 3.0” in 4 days. 
With America’s 1st Female Fighter Squadron Commander– Colonel (ret) Martha McSally
Imagine living the life you desire and deserve with courage, purpose, clarity and freedom. 
Picture yourself living out that dream you gave up on long ago. 
Envision you living life as your authentic self with deep satisfaction in vocation, relationships, health, and the impact you have on others. 
How does that feel? 
You can live that life and more….
If you are growth-minded and love the outdoors, I’m inviting you to apply to join me for this exclusive, one-of-a-kind FREE “You 3.0” Adventure Retreat. 
Are you ready to soar? 
MarthaMcSally-Landing Page

Date: TBD

Location: TBD

Date: TBD

Location: TBD



Ready to reinvent yourself due to a life transition?

Desire to re-connect with the true essence of who you are and why you are here?

Feeling dissatisfied with your life path and circumstances and hungry for a change?

Been driving hard for years to meet your goals only to discover they don’t make you happy? 

Get ready to connect with the true you and create an inspired action plan that will equip you with Top-Gun courage, free you from the past, and ignite your flight path to your bigger future.


You 2.0 Retreat



You 1.0

Hover your mouse here to see what stage of life represents version 1.0.

You Version 1.0

This represents the time from your conception through childhood, and into the first milestones of independence. It's your initial version of self, forming foundational aspects of your identity and beliefs highly influenced by parents, teachers, and other external influences.

You 2.0

Hover your mouse here to see what stage of life represents version 2.0.

You Version 2.0

In your second version of self, you likely established a career, started a business, started a family, or all of the above. You may feel like you are living “someone else’s life,” taking a path others preferred for you, taking care of everyone else’s needs, or proving someone wrong. If you slow down and listen to your heart, you hear the still, small voice asking, "is this all there is?"

You 3.0

Hover your mouse here to see what stage of life represents version 3.0.

You Version 3.0

Usually, you approach You 3.0 during a significant transition in an area of life that represents a large part of your identity. Maybe you reached your goals and are dissatisfied. Maybe you're a recent empty nester or have just retired early. Maybe you sold your business or are facing divorce, loss, or a health challenge. Whatever the spark, you are now looking at your next act, desiring more and not wanting to waste any more time. You are hungry to grow, look inside, connect with your true self, and truly live.



Day 1: Arrive & Reveal

Day 2: Courage & Freedom

Day 3: Dream

Day 4: Take Action & Depart


From surviving profound personal trauma to scaling Mt. Kilimanjaro; from leading men and women flying fighter jets in combat zones to winning the women’s military division of the grueling Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, I’ve battled and soared through life’s fiercest turbulences. 
My new mission?
Equip you with a battle-tested flight plan to discover your own Top-Gun courage, be free from the impacts of negative life experiences, connect with the divine essence of who you are, and live the fulfilling life you desire and desire. 
What’s the real worth of completing disarming the #1 fear holding you back right now?
Imagine how freeing it will feel when you unleash courage and gain positive momentum in the most important area of your life.
You may not realize how much fear is impacting your health and relationships.
What would newfound confidence ultimately mean to your bank account?


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“There is no woman other than Martha who I feel I can look up to and aspire to be like. Martha’s wisdom was the anchor I needed during a difficult transition in my life. Her mix of big picture insights, practical techniques, and transformative daily routines guided me through overcoming my fears, breaking free from past trauma, and making empowering choices in every aspect of life. Martha’s passion to help others with authenticity radiates. She is one special human. Do not miss this masterclass!”

Laura Jean

“Throughout some of the toughest times in my life – from navigating a difficult divorce to overcoming personal challenges – Martha’s unwavering support and expert guidance were invaluable. She pushed me beyond my limits, even training me to hike the Grand Canyon. Her wisdom has been a guiding force, transforming the way I approach adversity and fear. Attending this masterclass is a chance to be empowered by someone who truly understands life battles. Martha has a proven record of overcoming fear and adversity herself, and empowering those she coaches.”




This Retreat is for you if:

This Retreat is not for you if: 


Unmissable Value

Imagine me as your co-pilot in a 4-day adventure retreat worth $10,000! Now, access the cockpit of transformation in this You 3.0 Retreat. The real value isn’t just in dollars—it’s in the altitude you’ll gain.

Your Time to Soar Is Now!

You’re feeling the pull. You imagine a more confident, empowered life for yourself. And the first step to getting that is so easy. It starts with applying below.


Saying “no” to this opportunity most likely means nothing changes, and you remain unsatisfied. Why would you risk that with an opportunity to transform your life?   


If you’ve been craving to feel true, authentic, unshakable confidence, the only thing that makes sense is to apply right now.

How Do I Apply?

Click the yellow button below and complete the application. You’ll receive an email on June 10th if you’re selected as a semi-finalist. Be sure to check all your email folders in case we don’t land in your primary inbox.

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for FREE Monthly Group Coaching and Updates about this Retreat

Do You Want To Transform Your Life?


Be the first to know about the next You 3.0 Adventure Retreat! And receive occasional doses of courage.

Retreat Waitlist

You 3.0 Retreat Application

Application is now closed.